Q&A: Climate leaders with answers

Suzanne Ngo-Eyok is a Senior Vice President at Conservation International

Suzanne Ngo-Eyok is a Senior Vice President at Conservation International

Q: What art best captures Africa’s climate crisis? A: Crude pottery. The aridity of the land comes through… cooked by fire. I recommend the work of Etiye Dimma Poulsen.

Q: What African country should outsiders visit to learn about climate? A: Cameroon, my motherland, is called “L’Afrique en miniature” (“a model of Africa“). All the African ecosystems can be observed as well as the adverse effects of climate change.

Q: What climate action have you taken recently? A: Banning single-use plastic from my life.

Q: What is your earliest conscious memory of the climate crisis? A: The rising temperature in Yaoundé. When I was a child, it was chilly at night. People never used AC in their house. Now Yaounde is hot and sticky.

Q: Who are your climate role models? A: Young African activists such as Elizabeth Wathuti who are putting themselves out there.


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