Media Monitoring, Friday 29 September

Nigeria embraces solar power to tackle electricity challenges, while South Africa and Japan join forces for decarbonization and hydrogen initiatives. African agrifoodtech sees a surge with startups securing $1.76 billion in investments over the past decade

Zamlim Is Scaling Up Its Activities In C&I Solar & Electric Mobility In South Africa (Clean Technica)

The need for a modernised electrical grid across Africa (ESI-Africa)

Morocco aims to become key player in green hydrogen (The East African)

EGYPT: IFC finances $25m for “sustainable” steel production (Afrik 21)

USAID Power Africa launches ‘Growing Green Jobs’ for women in the energy sector in Nigeria (US Embassy in Nigeria)

Announcing a New Direct Access Fund for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Protecting Forests in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (WCS Newsroom)

Secha Capital inks $15.8 million to back South Africa’s growing businesses of the green transition (Impact Alpha)

Africa: Environmental Disasters and Climate Change Force People to Cross Borders, but They're Not Recognised As Refugees - They Should Be (All Africa)

AFRICA: the AfDB and Korea to promote climate technologies (Afrik 21)


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