Media Monitoring, Wednesday 27 March

Malawi follows Zambia in declaring drought disaster as El Niño brings hunger to southern Africa

Paving the way to a green economy in Nigeria (Business Day)

African campaigners say climate-resilient future at stake amid financing gaps (Xinhua)

From Promise To Prosperity: What Will It Take To Unlock Africa’s Clean Energy Abundance? (Forbes)

Africa Clean Sweeps into $900B Global Carbon Credit Economy (CarbonCredits)

Green Hydrogen conference aimed at leveraging innovation and collaboration (Observer24)

How a carbon tax encourages a cleaner, healthier Africa (Fair Planet)

Don’t make African farmers bear the brunt of EU green policies (Financial Times)

Bamboo Farming Flourishes in Uganda: A Sustainable Shift Towards Green Economy (African Exponent)

Malawi follows Zambia in declaring drought disaster as El Niño brings hunger to southern Africa (AP News)

  • Green groups launch legal bid to stop Total's oil drilling in South Africa (News24)

  • UNICEF says climate crisis poses risks to 45 mln African children (Xinhua)