Q&A: Climate leaders with answers

Michelle Kagari is the Senior Director for Government Relations and Policy at Tupande by One Acre Fund.

Q: How do you see the agriculture sector in 10 years in East Africa? A: One Acre Fund's recently published Global Croptake which paints a grim picture for the agriculture sector in 10 years if we don't take collective action now. If we remain on our current trajectory, we will see declining crop yields, further soil degradation, and a staggering rise in hunger and malnutrition.

Q: What is the most pressing challenge regarding agriculture in Africa? A: Real change requires a systems approach with multiple interventions. We need governments to urgently establish the enabling environments, financing to implement and drive adoption while providing safety nets and innovations designed for the realities farmers face in Africa.

Q: What is the best example that you have of people fighting climate change in the agricultural sector? A: COP28 showcased collective action across different sectors and communities. Innovative companies like Burn Manufacturing are transforming the clean cooking space. TomorrowNow, a tech company is leveraging tech to provide weather-based intelligence to communities impacted by climate change. Barefoot College International has reimagined education for rural women, leveraging their agency to drive solutions to climate challenges...and so many more.

Q: What work are you most proud of in relation to climate change? A: Through our engagement with governments, we ensure that farmers' voices are front and centre in climate change initiatives.